Top 25 biggest MBTI accounts on Instagram (Feb 2021)



Hello everybody, my name is Yayo and in this post I give you my updated list of the 25 biggest MBTI / Myers Briggs related pages on Instagram.

If possible I will also give a little info about each of the pages, regarding how many followers they have (+ how much they’ve posted), how old the page is, how active they are, what kind of content they’re posting, etc.

All data is as of 17th Feb 2021. Also I only included English-speaking pages since including pages of a certain language wouldn’t make a lot of sense for most readers for obvious reasons :)

Let’s go!

#1 ~ @infpmemesdaily (84,2k / 277)

@infpmemesdaily is the #1 biggest mbti-related page on Instagram and my own page :D I started this page mid September of 2020, mainly because I was bored, and as the name says I post memes about / that are relatable for people of the INFP personality type. Since there are many INFPs online it’s no wonder the page grew / grows so fast 😅

On January 13th, 2021, it became the #1 biggest mbti page with 64,7k followers.

#2 ~ @mbtityping (67,8k / 520)

@mbtityping is run by Mina, a 19 year old ENTP girl from Europe. She’s creating many super creative memes about all 16 personality types, so you should definitely follow her page. Also because all of her content is her own, she’s not reposting from anybody else.

She started her account in 2018 (I think), however most of the follower growth came in the past 3 months.

#3 ~ @mbtitime (66,9k / 377)

@mbtitime is being run by an INFP woman from the Philippines (since early 2019), who is working as a graphic design teacher, which explains the mad aesthetics on her page, that’s featuring memes for all mbti types.

There were rumors that she bought followers in early 2020 because she gained 35k followers (from 9k to 44k) in the matter of 2 weeks, however there’s no proof for that and no matter whether that’s true it doesn’t make her content any less great.

She became kinda inactive in the last few weeks, but still check out her page!

#4 ~ @infj_things (64,8k / 2324)

@infj_things. There’s not much info that I have about this page, I never had contact with the owner, but they’re still actively posting memes that are relatable to INFJs every day, ergo a must follow if you’re an INFJ!

#5 ~ @mbtimemesdaily (58k / 462)

@mbtimemesdaily is my main page and the one where I’m most active :D I started it in early 2020, but only really started to be active in June-July.

As the name implies I (try to) post mbti memes every day, and actually have held that streak from June to December! :D

In case you’re wondering, I’m an ENTP btw. There’s not much more to be said, just follow me ^^

#6 ~ @infjpsychology (53,5k / 1221)

@infjpsychology is another INFJ page haha. But finally one where we can get to know a little bit more about the owner, because he (Marcello) also has a personal page.

He kind of copied my strategy of creating a page for every type and is also having good success with it, as you’ll further down find another page of him :)

He’s a very chill dude, if you’re an INFJ definitely follow him, and if not an INFJ, then check out his other pages :)

#7 ~ @infjwoman (53,4k / 3547)

@infjwoman.Ah yes, another huge hyper-active INFJ related page. Another must-follow for all INFJs :)

I definitely will not scroll down to see when she started her page, but I assume it was in 2019 or before that, because she’s been around since forever. That’s all I know, let’s go to the next one!

#8 ~ @infj.mbti (47,8k / 605)

@infj.mbti. Yes, another INFJ page. But I promise that this is the last one for the next few rankings ;)

There’s also not much known about this page, other than that the owner is uploading many super relatable INFJ memes. Check out their page! :)

#9 ~ @mbti_as_things (46,6k / 282)

@mbti_as_things. “Your MBTI type as awesome things!” is the motto of this page, and Claire is delivering nothing short of that.

I still have no clue how she keeps coming up with these post ideas, but I guess that’ll remain her secret. Anyway, she started her page in April of 2020 and is a must-follow for everybody! :)

#10 ~ @16personalities (44,7k / 155)

@16personalities. Nope, this isn’t the page of the website 16personalities, that one follows soon tho. This is a “normal” fan account, created end of 2015, now inactive.

But still, check out their page, there’s a lot of very relatable content for all types!

So far, these were the Top 10 biggest MBTI accounts on Instagram.

Combined they have 535.521 followers, althought this calculation doesn’t make a lot of sense because many people are following multiple of these pages.

Just to compare it tho (for fun), all of my Instagram pages (15) combined only have 308.907 followers. I need to work harder I guess. Another fun comparison: The YouTube channel of Frank James has 616.000 subscribers, ergo (in theory) I’m half as cool as Frank James 😎

Okay okay I’ll shut up, let’s continue!

#11 ~ @mbti.rationals (39,5k / 475)

@mbti.rationals is one of the older pages, also started in early 2019, but it’s run by a very good friend of mine, so you should definitely follow :P

He’s posting memes of all mbti personality types, so check out his page!

#12 ~ @16personalitiesofficial (39,1k / 220)

@16personalitiesofficial is the page of the website !

The page has been inactive for exactly one year, but still, there’s lots and lots of great content for all types there! Check it out!

#13 ~ (38k / 172) belongs to the MBTI-based dating app ‘Ur My Type’.

They’re posting super awesome mbti relationship memes on their page, so definitely a must-follow for all feelers (:p).

Also check out their free app, it’s pretty cool and people on it are much nicer than on Tinder and Co.

#14 ~ @introvertedinfp (35,4k / 924)

@introvertedinfp. If you’re looking for daily content for INFPs that’s your home.

According to Amber, the admin, the page has been around forever and used to be the #1 biggest mbti page, but due to being inactive for a long time her page lost a lot of followers and it fell down the ladder.

[Edit:] I run multiple Excel spreadsheets to keep track of the different pages and for the past 2 months every time I’ve checked hers it was somewhere around 35k followers, no clue why tho.

#15 ~ @enfpmemesdaily (33,3k / 83)

@enfpmemesdaily. Ah yes, another one of my pages and finally an ENFP page! :D

If you’re an ENFP and not ashamed of seeing stupid memes on your feed every day then check it out :D

#16 ~ @yourboyfj (32,6k / 130)

@yourboyfj. What can I say, Frank James also is on Instagram ^^

He’s mostly posting short excerpts of his YouTube videos and some memes, so if you’re a fan of him you should give him a follow :)

#17 ~ @infpsychology (30,3k / 137)

@infpsychology. Remember Marcel, the admin of @infjpsychology, who I said runs multiple pages?

Yup, this is his 2nd biggest account and it grows quite impressively. Must follow for every INFP :)

#18 ~ @stereotypical_intj (30,2k / 1208)

@stereotypical_intj is the biggest INTJ account on Instagram and has been around forever, althought the admin became a bit inactive.

Still a must-follow for all INTJs and everybody who likes INTJ philosophy on their feed!

#19 ~ @toptier.sensor (29,4k / 338)

@toptier.sensor. Finally some sensor representation! This page is run by 2 sensors (Mike and Cece, both ESTJs) and Chantal, an INFJ.

Very nice people with very creative content. 100% must-follow for every sensor type (and everybody else, too)!

#20 ~ @just.intp.thoughts (28,2k / 552)

@just.intp.thoughts. Finally an INTP page! If you’re an INTP, or if you just want some INTP thoughts, then check out his page!

It’s been around since March of 2018, so follow him so he keeps posting :)

#21 ~ @intpmemesdaily (27,3k / 128)

@intpmemesdaily. Boom, roasted. Err, I mean another INTP page. And mine :P Yeah, that’s about it for useful infos.

Follow if you’re an INTP or if you wanna get to know the INTP people better ^^

#22 ~ @infjmemesdaily (25,3k / 74)

@infjmemesdaily. Tadaa, here isss….. another INFJ page ;) Also mine. In case you’re wondering how I run so many accounts? I have no clue. And no life. Well, guess that’s the reason.

Anyways, this one isn’t “like the other INFJ pages”, because I mainly focus on posting funny / related INFJ memes, not deep thinking posts or quotes.

( #23 ~ @infp.official (22,9k / ?)

@infp.official would usually go here, but she deactivated her page some time ago, afaik to focus on her studies.

She said she’ll reactivate it in mid 2021, let’s see what happens. Her content was great btw :)

#23 ~ @mbti.memess (22,9k / 292)

@mbti.memess steals memes without giving credit, and if you call him out for it he either says his memes are made by him (I could easily list a dozen memes on his page that he stole from me, but alright) or, if you’re a smaller page, he incites his followers onto you. True story.

I don’t recommend following his page, just listed it for the sake of completeness.

#24 ~ @entpmemesdaily (21,7k / 180)

@entpmemesdaily. Err, I assume you already guessed it from the name, but yeah, another one of my pages.

This one is for brethren of my own type (the best one), the ENTPs! :D Yeah Idk follow that page 😎

#25 ~ @infptweets (20,8k / 42)

@infptweets. Aaaaand another one of my pages :P (I promise it’s the last one) On this page I post the funniest and most relatable tweets from INFPs I can find.

Hmm that’s about it, leave a follow! :)

Alright, these were the 25 biggest mbti-related accounts on Instagram!

I had no clue that it can be this mentally draining to try to come up with interesting captions lol. I thought about extending this page to Top 50 mbti accounts on Instagram, but nah thanks :D

A few other interesting accounts are @mbti (the official MBTI one!), and, if you allow me this self-advertising, my other pages, namely entjmemesdailyy (yes, two ‘y’, someone stole @entjmemesdaily), @intjmemesdaily (16k), @enfjmemesdaily (3k) and @mbtitwitter (7k).

I also recommend @mbti.babes (9,6k), they post original mbti content every day and are great friends! Another INTP page to follow definitely is from my bro @intpthings (15,7k). And if you’re into comics then check out @mbti.comics (4,7k)!

That’s it for Instagram, if you want you can also subscribe to my YouTube channel (‘The MBTI Memes Channel’), where I post MBTI meme compilations, for example this one :)

I’m not really active here on Medium, so if you want to contact me please either send me a message on my main page @mbtimemesdaily or an email to

Thanks for reading my article, have a great day/night and stay safe :)

P.S.: I tried to embed the best / most liked post of every page when listing them, but for some reason that doesn’t work. According to Medium’s support it’s because there’s been a change to Instagram’s API.



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